You can help more people break free from eating disorders image

You can help more people break free from eating disorders

Help more clients like Callie access eating disorder therapy and support in 2023!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Give the gift of freedom and healing this holiday season!

"In the summer of 2020, I joined Rock’s body image group with the help of the sliding scale, and I can honestly say it was life-changing. The group therapist taught me new things that I hadn’t encountered in my eight years of receiving professional eating disorder help, and the community of women around me who experienced the same struggles and desired freedom was just what I needed.

Before joining the group, I really didn’t know if full recovery was possible, but since graduating from that group I have undoubtedly entered into full recovery and could not be more grateful for the mission of Rock Recovery. I haven't had an eating disorder thought since 2020 and it is all because of Rock Recovery and their amazing team.

My deepest thanks to the donors who make the work of Rock Recovery possible. Your financial support is changing lives and I could not be more thankful that God chose to use you to change my life.” - Callie, Program Graduate 2020 (pictured far left)

Just two years ago, Callie felt hopeless and unsure that recovery from her eating disorder would ever be possible. After eight years of struggling with food and body image, she found Rock and her life was forever changed. It was through Rock's body image therapy group that Callie found the life-changing therapy and community she needed to fully recover.

In the last year, Rock served over 240 individuals and families through our therapy programs and faith-based support services. Our team has worked tirelessly to provide resources and affordable treatment to those in need, yet there is still so much more to be done. Many of the people who reach out to us have nowhere else to turn. They feel alone, and in desperate need of support. Rock’s programs have been on a waiting list for the last few months, and we are eager to grow our therapy and support services to bring accessible care to more individuals and families in 2023.

Will you come alongside our clients and be a lifeline to someone like Callie who is in desperate need of accessible eating disorder treatment and a supportive community this holiday season?

You can make a one-time or monthly gift today to ensure that no one has to walk through recovery alone. Your generous support will help more individuals and families access affordable eating disorder treatment, critical referral resources and life-saving community support through Rock’s programs.

Thank you for helping more of our clients experience joy and healing. With your support, we will help more people live in freedom in 2023!

To read Callie's full story visit out website at: