Help more people access life-saving eating disorder treatment and community this Thanksgiving! image

Help more people access life-saving eating disorder treatment and community this Thanksgiving!

Support Rock Recovery as a community sponsor of the 2023 Arlington Turkey Trot 5k

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Sponsor Rock through the Arlington Turkey Trot this year and help more individuals and families access eating disorder treatment!

In the United States, more than 30 million people will battle an eating disorder in their lifetime. It is estimated that nearly 80% of those who struggle will not get the life-saving care they need to recover because of cost, accessibility and stigma.

Rock Recovery helps bridge these critical gaps in treatment through our affordable, outpatient therapy and support services, and community education resources. Our vision is for a world where eating disorders are understood, and the journey to freedom is fully supported.

We are honored to be a beneficiary for the 18th annual Arlington Turkey Trot, a family-friendly 5k on Thanksgiving day that highlights and supports incredible nonprofit partners in the community.

Your generous sponsorship will directly support the incredible clients that Rock Recovery serves through our low-cost eating disorder therapy and support services. Proceeds from sponsorships will provide scholarship support for those in need of assistance who cannot afford treatment costs.

Will you sponsor Rock Recovery today and help one more individual access the therapy and community they need to heal?

Thank you for your generosity. Together, we can help more people live in freedom this Thanksgiving!

“For the first time, I feel like I know myself, and am comfortable and confident bringing my authentic self into any space that I enter...The work that Rock does in removing the persistent barriers that prevent so many struggling with disordered eating from accessing care is truly lifesaving and life-affirming, and I am grateful every day for the gift of life and freedom that Rock has given me.” – Hillary, Program Graduate

To see how your giving changes lives, check out the Stories of Healing from our former clients.