Stand with our moms who are fighting to be positive role models image

Stand with our moms who are fighting to be positive role models

Your gift can help break the cycle of disordered eating

$2,000 raised

$5,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Rock Recovery strives to help the 30 million men and women affected by eating disorders find full and lasting recovery.

Each gift that you give makes a difference! To be a mother is such a special gift and our moms are working so hard to find healing for their children. Your donation will help more mothers like our client who recently experienced the joy of eating birthday cake with her little boy for the first time ever. Similarly, your gift will provide resources for those moms who are walking beside their sons and daughters, supporting them through every step of the recovery process.

You can be a part of the life-changing work that we are doing with moms everyday. Each gift up to $5,000 will be matched by our amazing Founder, Cary Larson, who after recovering from her own battle with disordered eating, is now committed to helping more moms experience the joys of recovery from an eating disorder. Whether a mom is fighting for herself or to support her child, your gift will support more mothers who are fighting back against eating disorders.